The reason is that besides some inspiring interview partners, I've also met two very innovative companies that caused me to change my travel plans. Even though they operate in different (very different) sectors they have a lot in common. Both are founded by the motivation to make a difference in the world and led by visionary entrepreneurs to make it happen. But there was another thing they shared - both are at a critical stage in the development of their businesses and could use some assistance taking things to the next level. So instead of interviewing them I decided to take these opportunities and use what I have learned over the last 10 years in my career to contribute to their causes.
So I didn't continue my journey as planned to explore China and Japan but took the plane from Hong Kong to Manila to work with BASE, a company that has the mission solve the housing crisis and build a better future for the poor. From the first meeting with the founders I was fascinated with their passion and dedication. They have developed an innovative housing concept that works with local materials (Bamboo), is disaster-resilient (Crucial for countries like the Philippines) and still affordable for the people who need it the most.
They had the technology, a solid business plan and a dedicated team, but they could use some support to bring int all together in a solid strategy. So we did a three day workshop where we nailed down the company purpose, build an inspiring vision and developed the foundation of their brand.
It was an intense workshop, but the week I have spent with them was so rewarding. We are now in the process of bringing the vision to life and I will keep you posted on the progress.
The second opportunity to contribute brought me back to Bali. It´s the home base of Adina & Oliver. Two entrepreneurs that decided to leave everything behind and create a totally new, different and free life here in Asia. But they didn't just start a new personal chapter in Bali but also a very interesting business that derived from personal challenges they where facing. Based on their own experience they found that only very few people were truly open & willing to share their feeling and views on sexuality & relationship. It was very hard to get deep knowledge and quality guidance for the critical challenges people face in their relationships and personal sexual development. Even though sexuality is a very important part in all of our lives, it´s also a topic that is mostly tabu to talk about.
As a consequence pornography, religion, societal patterns are dominating the discussion and as a result may people suffer from it. They have an unhealthy self image, from the pressure to perform like in the movies they see or are overwhelmed by the rules that society forces upon them. With MyTinySecrets - they work hard to change the conversation around this important topic and offer holistic and well researched guidance, inspiration and support to help people to discover their own truth.
When I met the two I had exactly the same feeling like when I worked with the team from BASE - they are so committed to their cause and driven by making a difference in the lives of others.
And I strongly believe that this authentic motivation is also their tiny secret to success. Today they reach millions of people each months with their blog and videos, they are building a strong team of likeminded people. I´m very happy to work with them to build a strong brand and business.
Although it´s a lot of work and doesn't leave time for blogging I feel that this work is exactly what the project is about. These two companies strive to make a difference in the world and I´m looking forward to share with you all the key learnings. Currently I´m figuring out how to build and work with a totally virtual team of designers, copywriters and programmers. I experiment with techniques on how to bootstrap the consulting and innovation services that used to offer for major companies like Mercedes or Beiersdorf to suit the needs of these new enterprises. I´m developing an own Create Meaning brand model and best of all I have so much fun along the way. So stay tuned, subscribe to the newsletter and I will publish some new interviews soon - promised.